West-Side Park Revitalization Project 2021
The DCA has worked with Blue Imp to create a multi-phase plan to improve the park:
1. Remove targeted existing equipment due to safety concerns
2. Re-use, repair, and revitalize existing equipment
3. Add new equipment
4. Wash existing rock, add new pea gravel to small enclosure at recommended depth for safety
Park Equipment to be removed:

Park Equipment to be Repaired, Re-used and Revitalized:

Add New Park Equipment:
The following new park equipment will be the first phase in adding fun attractions to this space. The lay-out of the park has been designed so additional pieces of equipment may be added in subsequent years.

Blue Imp: About the Playspace
Dunmore’s Westside park in town will have a new, revamped look with the makeover in equipment going into the site.
The classic Fire Engine will be the only piece of equipment to remain in place as we relocate the swing set to the west side of the playground and the octopus climber to a more central location. All other older play equipment will be removed. The re-located swing set allows 4 users at once to enjoy arguably the most popular activity on the playground. Equipped with 1 toddler seat for the young children and 3 belt seats for the older children, this is a classic piece for all users to enjoy.
Next up is the 4-Way Bouncing Teeter where again 4 kids can enjoy the equipment that provides the bouncing movement. A revamped piece that has been in our product line for a long time is the Elephant structure. This playground piece has rocking climbing walls, a net for the body of the elephant, and then the trunk, which is the Deep Dip Slide. Again, multiple users can play on this piece at one time really making sure that everyone is included.
The Digger and Chipmunk Spring Ride are individual play pieces which is a great spot for kids to play if they want to spend some time alone. The Digger works on Gross Motor skills while the Chipmunk is another great spring ride.

The Playhouse on the concrete pad allows for inclusive and social play with the play panels. Because it is more social play, putting it on the concrete pad outside the site allows separation between the congestion on the playground and the playhouse area.

UPDATE: The West Side Park Project was completed on Thursday June 24th, 2021
The DCA would like to thank the 60+ community volunteers who gave their time to make the project a success.
Our thanks without saying goes to Reeve Dan Hamilton and Cypress County Council for their immeasurable support, and to Councillors Richard Oster and Alf Belyea for lending their time and experience to the project.
The following businesses overwhelmed us by unreservedly donating their labour, materials, and equipment. Their generosity is so appreciated!