Frequently Asked Questions
When are membership fees due and how should I pay?
Membership fees are $20 per individual. Fees can be paid any time throughout the year, but all fees expire at the Annual General Meeting (typically February). Fees can be paid online or via a mailed cheque.
What are the bylaws of the DCA?
Click Here to view the complete DCA bylaws.
Can I attend Board of Director meetings?
Meetings of the Board of Directors are open to the public in a spectator capacity only. General members do not vote at board meetings, and may only participate if they are pre-registered on the agenda to make a presentation.
Can I attend Meetings of the General Membership and the Annual General Meeting?
Absolutely! General Membership Meetings and the Annual General Meeting are open to the public. Members can participate in discussion, offer opinion, suggestions, feedback, concerns and ideas. Issues brought to a vote at these meetings are decided by a simple majority of the Membership in attendance.
Does Cypress County manage the East and West Side Parks?
No. The Cypress County owns the land but the DCA leases it and is responsible for its care, maintenance, and management. The County is a fantastic resource and help to the DCA, but they are not responsible for the parks on the East or West side.
Can I volunteer my time and attend community events if I am not a Member of the DCA?
Of course! Events organized by the DCA are open to the whole community, and the more the merrier!
What is my Membership Fee used for?
What are the benefits of becoming a Member?
Members can vote at General Membership Meetings on issues impacting the community that fall under the DCA's scope of responsibility. Members also nominate and elect the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting when terms expire. Members are encouraged sit on sub-committees (fundraising, event planning, project planning) and have a direct hand in making ideas become reality!
Does the Board of Directors get paid?
No. The Board of Directors are not compensated in any way for their service and pay association membership fees the same as General Members.
100% of membership fees are invested directly into the community; paying for enhancements and upgrades to our recreational spaces (parks, ball diamond, outdoor skating rink), and towards new capital projects and community events.